## LCOV file parser Simple LCOV file parser ## Installation npm install lcov-parse ## Usage var parse = require('lcov-parse'); parse('./path/to/file.info', function(err, data) { //process the data here }); or parse(lcovString, function(err, data) { //process the data here }); ## Formatting Using this as a guide: http://ltp.sourceforge.net/coverage/lcov/geninfo.1.php It will return JSON like this: ``` { "title": "Test #1", "file": "anim-base/anim-base-coverage.js", "functions": { "hit": 23, "found": 29, "details": [ { "name": "(anonymous 1)", "line": 7, "hit": 6 }, { "name": "(anonymous 2)", "line": 620, "hit": 225 }, { "name": "_end", "line": 516, "hit": 228 } ] } "lines": { "found": 181, "hit": 143, "details": [ { "line": 7, "hit": 6 }, { "line": 29, "hit": 6 } ] } } ``` ## Tests npm install && npm test ## Build Status [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/davglass/lcov-parse.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/davglass/lcov-parse)