# grunt-contrib-nodeunit v1.0.0 [![Build Status: Linux](https://travis-ci.org/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-nodeunit.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-nodeunit) [![Build Status: Windows](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/8526qwiyaavbfbxh/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-nodeunit/branch/master) > Run Nodeunit unit tests ## Getting Started If you haven't used [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com/) before, be sure to check out the [Getting Started](http://gruntjs.com/getting-started) guide, as it explains how to create a [Gruntfile](http://gruntjs.com/sample-gruntfile) as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command: ```shell npm install grunt-contrib-nodeunit --save-dev ``` Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript: ```js grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-nodeunit'); ``` ## Nodeunit task _Run this task with the `grunt nodeunit` command._ Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt [Configuring tasks](http://gruntjs.com/configuring-tasks) guide. This plugin provides server-side JavaScript unit testing via [nodeunit](https://github.com/caolan/nodeunit/). If you're looking to test JavaScript that uses `window` or the DOM, please use the [grunt-contrib-qunit plugin](https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-qunit)`qunit` task. ### Differences from Nodeunit Command Line There may be a few differences versus running `nodeunit` on the command line: #### Undone tests will cause problems Nodeunit's reporters (such as `default`) are in charge of tracking tests that do not complete. They often hook into `process.on('exit')`. Since `grunt` is handling the runtime, it does not exit, so the reporter's clean-up code that monitors undone tests does not fire. Additionally, the reporters do not expose the number of "Undone" tests in their completion callbacks. This can cause problems. For example, if an exception is thrown in an undone test, the exception might bubble up into the `grunt` runtime if it's still running. This would cause `grunt` to exit, while `nodeunit` command line would show the undone test. If you're getting strange `grunt` runtime errors or seeing `grunt` exit, check for "undone" tests. ### Settings #### options.reporter Type: `String` Default: `'grunt'` Specifies the reporter you want to use. For example, `default`, `verbose` or `tap`. #### options.reporterOutput Type: `Boolean` Default: `false` Specifies the file the `reporter`'s output should be saved to. For example, `tests.tap`. #### options.reporterOptions Type: `Object` Default: `{}` Specifies the options passed to the `reporter`. For example, the `junit` reporter requires the `output` option to be set: ```js grunt.initConfig({ nodeunit: { all: ['test/*_test.js'], options: { reporter: 'junit', reporterOptions: { output: 'outputdir' } } } }); ``` ### Usage examples #### Wildcards In this example, `grunt nodeunit:all` or `grunt nodeunit` will test all files ending with `_test.js` in the `test` directory. ```js grunt.initConfig({ nodeunit: { all: ['test/*_test.js'] } }); ``` With a slight modification, `grunt nodeunit:all` will test files matching the same pattern in the `test` directory _and all subdirectories_. ```js grunt.initConfig({ nodeunit: { all: ['test/**/*_test.js'] } }); ``` #### Using Other Reporters To use a reporter other than the default one, you can specify the `reporter` and `reporterOutput` parameters. ```js grunt.initConfig({ nodeunit: { all: ['test/*_test.js'], options: { reporter: 'tap', reporterOutput: 'tests.tap', reporterOptions: { output: 'outputdir' } } } }); ``` ## Release History * 2016-03-04   v1.0.0   Fixed unit test to run on Node v4.x and v5.x. Point main to task and remove peerDep. Doc updates. * 2014-06-21   v0.4.1   Fixes Windows JUnit issue. Check error.stack exists. * 2014-05-14   v0.4.0   Bump nodeunit to v0.9.0 * 2014-01-26   v0.3.0   Adds 'reporter' and 'reporterOutput' options. * 2013-10-19   v0.2.2   Allow missing operators on error object. * 2013-09-24   v0.2.1   Fix error display. * 2013-05-23   v0.2.0   Bump nodeunit to v0.8.0 * 2013-02-15   v0.1.2   First official release for Grunt 0.4.0. * 2013-01-18   v0.1.2rc6   Updating grunt/gruntplugin dependencies to rc6. Changing in-development grunt/gruntplugin dependency versions from tilde version ranges to specific versions. * 2013-01-09   v0.1.2rc5   Updating to work with grunt v0.4.0rc5. Switching to this.filesSrc api. * 2012-11-13   v0.1.1   Switch to this.file api internally. * 2012-11-04   v0.1.0   Work in progress, not yet officially released. --- Task submitted by ["Cowboy" Ben Alman](http://benalman.com) *This file was generated on Fri Mar 04 2016 15:41:50.*