# DataPOS Vendor Point-of-Service Web App Runs on vendors' point-of-service devices. The staff use it to manage the order queue, e.g. to alert customers when their orders are ready. ## Running the App First, install Nginx, copy the following into a new `.conf` file in its `conf.d/` directory and restart it. ``` server { listen 8090; server_name _; # Promiscuous! Any host header allowed. location /qfx-api { rewrite /qfx-api/(.*) /$1 break; # Change this if you want to use the public API instance in staging instead of a local one. proxy_pass; } location / { rewrite /(.*) /$1 break; proxy_pass; } } ``` Then serve the app by running `server.js` in this directory and go to . ## Caching The following is cached in local storage: - `queueStatus` - number of items in the queue and timestamp for last event - `queuedOrders` - list of orders including the contents and price - `currentMenu` - The full menu which is used to populate orders with additional information, including the type of menu items (food, drink, etc.) and the display order for modifiers). Expires after 2 hours